April 5, 2018 Wellness Update

I recognize my wins today, no matter how great or how small.

In case you missed yesterday’s post, I struggled. I didn’t eat enough throughout the day and it led to major fatigue and well, starvation. Two days in a row I ended up binge eating at 3pm which made me feel good and bad at the same time. I felt good because my body was finally getting food. I felt bad because I was reaching for everything I could find (aka processed foods)!

My focus today was to change that. I planned out what I would eat and when. Guess what? I felt AMAZING today! I ate real, regular meals and what a day I had. The only other thing I will improve upon is my water intake. Did you know they say water intake increases your productivity? Gulp. Gulp.

To add to all the joy, I tried a new Clif Bar flavor today, nut filled peanut butter. Holy sh*t. So delicious.

I also learned something new during my IIN studies. It’s amazing how powerful short teachings can be. The freedom that comes up ditching perfection for living. There is so much more to wellness than what you put in your body. You can eat all the kale you want but if other areas of your life aren’t well balanced, you won’t be well. Nourish and worship your body while enjoying life and all it has to offer.

Until tomorrow friends!


“Clif Bar & Company: Feed Your Adventure®.” CLIF, http://www.clifbar.com/.

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