Write It Down

Tyson Popplestone has a knack for creating blog posts that a short, simple and straight to the point. And they hit hard. It truly is a powerful form of art and something I look forward to reading daily. There is a blog post in particular that he published recently that made me stop and reflect hard. The article was titled, “Write it down.”

I always thought it was just me but my head is filled with thoughts and ideas. Today I will be on a high, focused and committed to a set of ideas. Tomorrow, new thoughts and ideas will flood my brain and it feels like they need to be a part of my life, my daily routine. The best example I have is fitness. How many different apps and workout programs are out there? How many ads for workout programs do you seeĀ daily? I LOVE working out and becoming a better, stronger version of myself. Some days, yoga is king. I need to improve my flexibility and inner peace. Other days, strength is king and I need to lift hard. I start one program only to find another one that looks just as good if not better. Well of course, I have to try it!

I’m guessing you have an idea of what this can lead to… Sure I’m in good shape because I exercise regularly. But, I never hit my goals! I never stick with a program long enough to reach my goals. What would happen if I committed to one program, wrote the other ones down and tried them when program no. one was complete? What would I be losing or missing out on? NOTHING! What would I be gaining? Discipline. Focus. RESULTS.

This mentality translates to every part of our lives. Nutrition. How many diet plans have you tried? Have you stuck with any of them through to the end? Have any of them truly worked? Blog ideas or side hustles. How many of those have you followed through on? Let me be clear, I’ve been playing around with side hustles for years because every day I come up with a new idea that must be better than yesterday’s.

I’m going to reflect back on this blog post from Tyson Popplestone on a weekly basis. To make sure I stay focused. To remember why. To win!